The History of a Coffee

Since I had my second child, I have loved drinking a coffee. It feels to make me a calming effect. 😊 Until now, i had third child, I drink coffee almost every day. My favorite coffee is always milk iced coffee with palm sugar.

If we look back at the history of coffee, quoted from, coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia, East Africa, in the 9th century. The person who first discovered coffee was Khaldi, a goat herder in Ethiopia. In subsequent developments, the Galla tribe in East Africa used coffee as food. In fact, even today several regions in Africa still eat coffee. They make food by crushing coffee beans, then adding oil. Then, the dough is formed into a round and consumed immediately. Around the 15th century, Arabs used coffee as a substitute for wine. This is done by pouring boiling water over the dry coffee beans. Another innovation is by making drinks from roasted coffee beans. The roasting process is proven to make coffee taste better.

However, quoted by ngopi, the inventor of the first coffee was a very famous Islamic cleric and also a Sufi figure from Morocco. The Sufi's name is Imam Abul Hasan As-Syadzili. He found coffee beans from the process of seclusion or self-exile. In the story, when he wanted to avoid wild animals, Imam Abul Hasan As-Syadzili climbed a tree that looked tall and picked the seeds. Because he didn't feel sleepy after eating the coffee beans he picked, then he took them and ate them again.

After doing this several times, Imam Abul Hasan tried roasting the coffee beans and then brewing them with hot water. Since then, coffee was first discovered, starting from the beans until it was processed into the coffee drink known today.

But who would have thought that in Islamic teachings there is a recommendation to read prayers according to the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The following is a prayer for drinking coffee from Habib Alwi bin Muhammad Al Athos:

“Allahummaj’alha nuuron libashorii wa’aa fiyatan libadanii wa syifaa an liqolbii wa dawaa an likulli daa in, yaa qowiyyu yaa matiin.”

"My Allah, make the coffee that I drink as a light for my eyesight, and for the strength of my body, and as a medicine for heart ailments, and the best medicine for various diseases that exist in me, My Allah who will never die."

So, if you are a coffee lover... Don't forget to pray, you can get blessings too from coffee. Insyaa Allah😊

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sejak saya mempunyai anak kedua, saya suka minum kopi. Rasanya memberikan efek menenangkan. 😊 Sampai saat ini saya memiliki anak ketiga, saya minum kopi hampir setiap hari. Kopi favorit saya selalu es kopi susu dengan gula aren.

Jika kita menilik kembali sejarah kopi yang dikutip dari, kopi pertama kali ditemukan di Ethiopia, Afrika Timur, pada abad ke-9. Orang yang pertama kali menemukan kopi adalah Khaldi, seorang penggembala kambing di Ethiopia. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, suku Galla di Afrika Timur memanfaatkan kopi sebagai makanan. Faktanya, hingga saat ini beberapa daerah di Afrika masih mengonsumsi kopi. Mereka membuat makanan dengan cara menghancurkan biji kopi, lalu menambahkan minyak. Kemudian, adonan tersebut dibentuk bulat dan langsung dikonsumsi. Sekitar abad ke-15, masyarakat Arab menggunakan kopi sebagai pengganti wine. Caranya dengan menuangkan air mendidih ke atas biji kopi kering. Inovasi lainnya adalah dengan membuat minuman dari biji kopi sangrai. Proses pemanggangan terbukti membuat kopi terasa lebih nikmat.

Namun dikutip ngopi, penemu kopi pertama adalah seorang ulama Islam yang sangat terkenal dan juga tokoh sufi asal Maroko. Nama sufi tersebut adalah Imam Abul Hasan As-Syadzili. Ia menemukan biji kopi dari proses pengasingan diri atau pengasingan diri. Dalam ceritanya, ketika ingin menghindari binatang buas, Imam Abul Hasan As-Syadzili memanjat pohon yang tampak tinggi dan memetik bijinya. Karena dia tidak merasa ngantuk setelah memakan biji kopi yang dipetiknya, lalu dia mengambilnya dan memakannya kembali.

Setelah beberapa kali melakukan hal tersebut, Imam Abul Hasan mencoba menyangrai biji kopi tersebut lalu menyeduhnya dengan air panas. Sejak itulah kopi ditemukan pertama kali, mulai dari bijinya hingga diolah menjadi minuman kopi yang dikenal saat ini.

Namun siapa sangka dalam ajaran Islam terdapat anjuran membaca doa sesuai sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Berikut doa minum kopi dari Habib Alwi bin Muhammad Al Athos:

“Allahummaj’alha nuuron libashorii wa’aa fiyatan libadanii wa syifaa an liqolbii wa dawaa an likulli daa in, yaa qowiyyu yaa matiin.”

“Ya Allah, jadikanlah kopi yang aku minum ini sebagai penerang penglihatanku, dan untuk kekuatan badanku, dan sebagai obat penyakit jantung, dan obat terbaik untuk berbagai penyakit yang ada pada diriku, Ya Allah yang tidak akan pernah mati."

Jadi, kalau kamu pecinta kopi... Jangan lupa berdoa, kamu juga bisa mendapat keberkahan dari kopi. Insya Allah😊"


  1. Hi, Rinda, this is an interesting article, thank you. Also, it was a pleasure having you in my English class today. I like your enthusiasm and dedication

    Keep up the good work!

    Teacher Theo

    1. Hi Teacher Theo. Thank you so much to visit my blog, it's honor to me. And i have enjoyable and more confidence when i talk with you in the class today. Yeah, i will struggling with my english language to be better. Thanks Teacher:)


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