Farewell My Uncle
Do you still remember my story on this blog when I was 25 years old? (https://rinda-widiana.blogspot.com/search?q=bi+eneng) It's about a tough woman who is an inspiration in my life. When I was young, I observed my uncle and aunt dating, getting married (I became their bridemaid at around 5 years old), having children (sadly, their son passed away before reaching 1 year old), and later having two daughter. Through them, I was became an eyewitness what it means to be dedicated parents who fight for their children. Now, my uncle (Bi Neng's husband), has passed away at the age of 61 due to lung cancer. The loss is deeply felt, as he was the last surviving younger brother of my late father. Losing him felt similar to losing my own father, especially witnessing the profound sorrow of his child. Memories of his daily habits, such as opening the gate for his child returning from work, mirrored those of habit my father. That brief moment truly touched my heart and made me realize the...